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Are there any consequences as regards a robot’s cross-border activity?

One of the obvious advantages of using robots is the increased production capacity they afford. Companies are also able to more easily develop their offer on an international scale, without needing to rely on physical local relays.

Above and beyond what digitisation enables, automation increases the ubiquity of companies by enabling personalised service to companies despite geographical distance from the beneficiary.

Providing services in different countries is not, however, without raising legal questions, in particular as regards the nature of the law and the liability regime applicable per country. It is therefore essential to review the robots’ geographical field of activity and the related legal consequences.

In this regard, the lack of harmonised rules worldwide means companies must take into account the approach that each country may have already defined.

Thus, although the international reach of robots’ activities can represent major opportunities for players, they come with a number of legal questions that it is essential to anticipate.